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Kim Richards adds a contemporary twist to the traditional themes of landscape and still life through her use of color and textural paint application. Best known for her close up portraits of flowers, Kim’s intimate paintings invite the viewer in for a closer look.


Primarily painting outdoors or from flowers in the studio, Kim’s paintings capture a sense of calm, spotlighting the beauty that we glance at but seldom take the time to examine closely. Some of Kim’s favorite subjects are those of fleeting duration in our area like the blooming of the cherry trees or peonies. By capturing these brief moments of peak bloom, Kim hopes to inspire in the viewer a sense of wonder and curiosity about the world around us.


Kim paints in oils and gouache. She teaches several classes at The Arts of Great Falls, including Loose and Lively Florals, and Sketch to Studio, a class for people who love nature, but don't want to complete an entire painting outdoors!


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