Featured Teacher
Marcia Klioze
Marcia is an award-winning portrait and figurative painter; “People fascinate me, which, I feel contributes to my ability to capture a likeness. Through illustration, I’m drawn to the narrative in portrait and figure painting. I like to think that my paintings are more than just mirroring a person's features, that I capture a moment, or their essence that depicts who we are." Marcia won 9th place in the Portrait Society of America's 2024 members-only competition.
Marcia’s oil painting journey started in 2012 when she traveled to Italy for a painting workshop. Through a serendipitous meeting in an art store, she was intrigued by a conversation she overheard about a fast figure workshop going on….Marcia signed up for the class on the spot, joined the class the following day, and followed the instructor to Italy a few weeks later for his painting workshop. Says Marcia, “I followed my muse, and haven’t looked back!”