This Weekend! October 19-20 from 10AM-5PM
Celebrate Creativity at the Great Falls Studio Tour! Visit 39 artist's studios throughout Great Falls!
Participate in Activities | Watch Demonstrations | Special Exhibit
The Arts of Great Falls will feature a special exhibit by The Artists' Atelier studio, including Jill Banks, Roberta Beasley, Walt Lawrence, Theresa Miller and Chris Rollins. Watch artists demonstrate, see their latest paintings, photographs and botanical illustrations.
The Arts of Great Falls Gallery, 756 Walker Road, Suite C, Great Falls, VA 22066
SEE the special exhibit by The Artists' Atelier
BUY your 3rd Annual Great Falls Holiday Ornament
LEARN more about our award winning ART SCHOOL classes for ages 6-18 and adults.
The Artists' Atelier
MEET artists Jill Banks, Roberta Beasley, Walt Lawrence, Theresa Miller and Chris Rollins.
PARTICIPATE in activities and creative demonstrations.
For details on the tour, please visit:
Don't miss this annual free community event!
Watch this amazing video by Steven Carle capturing the 2024 Studio Tour:
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